Stolen Joy

This week has been VBS at my church. It is also the last week before I have to return to work. So to say that I am stressed is an understatement. This summer has been the best summer with my boys! Knowing that I have to go back to spending most of my day without my kids makes me sad and slightly depressed. It has not been my most glamorous week! Instead of soaking up my time enjoying my boys, I have been pouty and agitated.

A shining example of this was the night that I sent my youngest home from VBS. He did not get a full nap in and therefore, was acting out. I knew this ahead of time, and yet I couldn’t deal with his outbursts and antics. Instead of trying to be loving, gentle, and patient, I called my mom to come to get him. After I had him picked up, I felt so guilty because he missed out on the fun that everyone else got to enjoy. All because I was having a temper tantrum!

Anyone who has ever worked at VBS can tell you it is exhausting work! You go home tired each night but knowing that you are impacting the lives of children makes it all worth it. However, this week, I have not taken a moment to sit back and enjoy that! I stole my joy, and what’s worse is that I stole my baby boy’s joy one night!

However, tonight I decided that I was not going to suck the fun out of another night of VBS! I tried to keep my priorities in check and focus on what I need to! There is one more night, and then Sunday morning left for me to soak up all the fun and excitement that VBS has to offer! I am determined not to rain on my parade or anyone else’s parade these last few moments left!

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